Tuesday, April 9, 2013

One Month!

It's nearly impossible for me to believe that it's been a month already!

She has changed so much over the last four weeks!

Week One:
Week Two (On St. Patrick's Day):

Week Three:

Eating... and eating some more!  She has a GREAT appetite!
Snuggling and napping on our chests
Her bouncy chair

Having her Diaper Changed
Being on her tummy

Weight: Just a touch over 7 lbs
Length: 20.5 inches

At three weeks and two days you rolled over!

Dear Kinsey,

You've been with us for just over a month now and dad and I can't imagine life without you.  In fact, I can barely remember what life was like before you.  You make us laugh all the time with your silly faces and fierce opinions.  You look just like your dad when he was a baby.  I even found a picture from when he was a newborn and he's making the exact same face that you make all of the time.

I love when you look up at me with those sweet bluish, gray eyes.  You've become so alert and aware the last couple weeks.   You are so strong and I think you're very advanced.  No one can believe that you are rolling over already!

Time is going so fast and sometimes I wish I could find the pause button on life.  But every day we love you more and I know that I will love every stage as you grow up.  The last four weeks have been very special!


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