Sunday, June 23, 2013

3 Months

Kinsey turned three months old on June 3.  I took the pictures on time, but I'm a little late with the post.  She's changed so much in the last four weeks.  She's become so alert and her personality is really starting to show.

She smiles all the time.  There is no better feeling in the world than going in to get her in the morning and seeing her smile up at me.  She still has one dimple and sometimes you can see two when she smiles really big!
I love the way she shakes her arms and legs when she smiles too!

Kinsey is still doing wonderful at night!  She goes right to sleep when we put her down at 8:30. She wakes up usually once during the night to eat, but she goes right back to sleep. 

She loves to watch tv - she follows all of the motion with her eyes.  It just amazes us how alert she has become.  She still likes to look at lights and the ceiling fan too.
Kinsey still has a great appetite.  The only time she really gets fussy is when she's hungry. 
We just can't understand how we got such an amazing daughter!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Kinsey's First Menorial Day

Our little party animal kicked off the memorial day weekend at a dock party at the Austins.

Headed to a cookout with the Reeses and got to meet her buddy Conner!
Hit the beach for the first time with her Aunt Serah and Aunt Megan...
And got to meet Ginny and Jarrod at Isle of Palms...
What a fun weekend with great friends!

Our First Mother's Day

My sweet husband and precious little girl made my first mother's day extra special!  Kinsey is the best mother's day present I could ask for.  I'm a seriously blessed mommy!

We started the day in St. Matthews with church and lunch with MeMe
And finished with dinner in Murrells Inlet with Grandma Marian and Poppy Bobby.

It was a perfect family filled day!  Thanks to Brad for cooking two delicious meals!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Two Months!

This past month has flown by again!  Kinsey is growing and changing every day.  She's started cooing and smiling (my favorite)!

She's still very serious!
But she becomes more smiley and expressive with every day that passes!
Eating - Some days I think she could eat for 24 hours straight
Studying faces and ceiling fans
Being Outside
Diaper & Clothing Changes
Getting strapped in the car seat
Weight: 8 pounds 4 ounces
Length:  22 Inches
Major milestone:  Sleeping from 8:30pm until 6:30 am with just one dream feed!
Dear Kinsey,
It's hard to believe that it's been another month.   I'm still looking for a pause button on time.  You are such an amazing baby - you are spoiling us.  When you look up and smile at us, it still brings tears to our eyes.  I love to hear you talk and you make the best expressions.  You make us smile all of the time - we are so blessed!
You've become such a big girl.  At 6 weeks we started letting you sleep in your room in the crib and it amazes us how easily you fall asleep on your own. 
Every time I look at you, I swear that you're bigger.  You're holding your head up almost all the time and you're so strong.  The other night you pushed yourself all the way up dad's chest with your legs.
We can't imagine our lives without you - not a day passes that we don't ask how we got so lucky!!!

Springtime Fun in the Country

Our spring hasn't started off with the nicest weather,but it hasn't slowed Kinsey down!

Scoping out the onions that dad and Uncle Madison grew!

And picking strawberries with mom!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

One Month!

It's nearly impossible for me to believe that it's been a month already!

She has changed so much over the last four weeks!

Week One:
Week Two (On St. Patrick's Day):

Week Three:

Eating... and eating some more!  She has a GREAT appetite!
Snuggling and napping on our chests
Her bouncy chair

Having her Diaper Changed
Being on her tummy

Weight: Just a touch over 7 lbs
Length: 20.5 inches

At three weeks and two days you rolled over!

Dear Kinsey,

You've been with us for just over a month now and dad and I can't imagine life without you.  In fact, I can barely remember what life was like before you.  You make us laugh all the time with your silly faces and fierce opinions.  You look just like your dad when he was a baby.  I even found a picture from when he was a newborn and he's making the exact same face that you make all of the time.

I love when you look up at me with those sweet bluish, gray eyes.  You've become so alert and aware the last couple weeks.   You are so strong and I think you're very advanced.  No one can believe that you are rolling over already!

Time is going so fast and sometimes I wish I could find the pause button on life.  But every day we love you more and I know that I will love every stage as you grow up.  The last four weeks have been very special!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Kinsey's First Easter

We spent Kinsey's first Easter in St. Matthews this year.  This was her first church service and she was great!  We stopped by the Easter egg hunt prior to the service.  She wasn't quite ready to hunt eggs this year, but I know that she will love it next year.  She slept through the entire service and everyone was so excited to meet her!  We were very proud parents.

Wearing her beautiful easter dress and bonnet from Miss Belle.  The booties were Brad's when he was a baby.
Our sweet little family!
With "Meme" Kathy
Sweet Kisses!

Uncle Rhyne and Kinsey feel the same about picture!

After church we ate a big lunch at "MeMe's" and enjoyed an unusually relaxing afternoon!

Spending some quality time with Uncle Rhyne!