Thursday, May 9, 2013

Two Months!

This past month has flown by again!  Kinsey is growing and changing every day.  She's started cooing and smiling (my favorite)!

She's still very serious!
But she becomes more smiley and expressive with every day that passes!
Eating - Some days I think she could eat for 24 hours straight
Studying faces and ceiling fans
Being Outside
Diaper & Clothing Changes
Getting strapped in the car seat
Weight: 8 pounds 4 ounces
Length:  22 Inches
Major milestone:  Sleeping from 8:30pm until 6:30 am with just one dream feed!
Dear Kinsey,
It's hard to believe that it's been another month.   I'm still looking for a pause button on time.  You are such an amazing baby - you are spoiling us.  When you look up and smile at us, it still brings tears to our eyes.  I love to hear you talk and you make the best expressions.  You make us smile all of the time - we are so blessed!
You've become such a big girl.  At 6 weeks we started letting you sleep in your room in the crib and it amazes us how easily you fall asleep on your own. 
Every time I look at you, I swear that you're bigger.  You're holding your head up almost all the time and you're so strong.  The other night you pushed yourself all the way up dad's chest with your legs.
We can't imagine our lives without you - not a day passes that we don't ask how we got so lucky!!!

1 comment:

  1. Adorable blog! The two month picture where she is smiling is the cutest! Can't wait to see Baby K again. Xo, Auntie H
