Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy birthday Kinsey

On March 3, we welcomed a beautiful baby girl into our family!  I have great plans of making Kinsey a beautiful scrapbook, but I thought that some blog posts would be a great way to keep track of her milestones in the meantime.

I woke early that Sunday morning with plans to finish sewing my mom's birthday present.  I had been so tired the day before and had not gotten anything accomplished.  After a few minutes, my water broke!  Brad was still asleep, so I snuck into the bedroom to tell him the news.  I have never seen him jump out of bed so quickly!  One of my close friends had introduced me to the concept of natural childbirth and I was sold!  I had planned to stay at the house for as long as possible once I went into labor.  Unfortunately, when my water broke, there was meconium in the fluid and my plan changed a bit.  I spoke with my doctor and she said that while I did not have to rush, I head to the hospital sooner rather than later.  Luckily, I had time to shower, eat a bagel and get the dogs straight.  My bags had been packed in the car for quite some time, so all I had to grab was my birthing ball and the awesome Canon Rebel camera that Brad had bought for us.

We got to the Roper Mt. Pleasant Hospital around noon and our nurse, Danielle got us all checked in.

With my handsome "baby daddy"
Dad and my fantastic hair stylist!
And... the soon to be aunt and dad!

When my doctor arrived, I had dialated to 2cm.  I thought that was pretty good news because I had not been dialated at all at my appointment the Wednesday before.  At this point, I couldn't  not feel the contractions, but the monitor showed that they were coming every 5 to 6 minutes.  The doctor told me that they were going to start me on Pitosin because of the meconium.  I had wanted to avoid getting induced.  I had read a lot of horror stories about Pitosin and was really concerned that I would end up having a c-section because of it.

In the end, I decided I had to trust my doctor (she didn't give me much choice).  We started the Pitosin and luckily everything progressed wonderfully!  Kinsey's heartbeat stayed strong and my contractions really didn't get bad until around 6pm.  I was uncomfortable for about 30 minutes, but when the doctor came in to check me, it was already time to start pushing.  The day flew by and by 7:51 we had a beautiful, healthy little girl weighing in at 6lbs4oz and 19.5 inches long.  I honestly couldn't have asked for a better delivery.  I had a great doctor, wonderful nurses, a perfect coach (Brad) and a very cooperative little girl!  March 3, 2013 definitely changed our lives forever!   




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